
Safety and Self - inspection of Major Hazardous Sources and Food Safety

General Manager (Ni Yanyi): Safety and self-examination of major hazard sources and food safety issues

First, the general manager (Ni Yanyi) words

Recently Putuo Safety Production Supervision and Management Bureau has invited enterprises to participate in hazardous chemicals safety supervision meeting. As a result of some time ago busy, after the designated small bell for the company representatives to attend the meeting. So today organized a safe monthly routine meeting. Is now a small bell about the district security supervision meeting content.

Second, the Office of the Office of the Office of Peace and Security (Zhong Bi Qiong) words

(1) March 4, 2016 participated in the District Safety Production Supervision and Television Bureau teleconference. The meeting was mainly organized by the State Administration of Work Safety. Through the network to convey information, live.

(2) require this year's work ideas:

A, a goal: to curb the larger accidents

B, a main line: to promote the implementation of security responsibilities

C, a key: control of major hazards

D, five focus:

Law and order and strict norms

Enhance enterprise safety management capabilities

Informationization, standardization, automation construction

Priority area accident prevention

Play the social power to improve the efficiency of supervision

(3) my company should focus on strengthening the management of dangerous chemicals and chemical safety, focus on work:

A, clear the regulatory responsibilities, strict implementation of the permit, the work objectives: to further clarify the duties of dangerous chemicals safety supervision, to eliminate the blind spot, from the source to reduce the risk of dangerous chemicals construction project safety risk. Statutory duties must (courage to play, dare to be responsible, good implementation), the responsibility of the sector must be independent of the safety supervision and management responsibilities.

B, work measures: the organization of dangerous chemicals safety supervision of the status quo and measures to study, in strict accordance with the law of explosive, flammable, highly toxic dangerous chemicals safety review.

C, strengthen the management of major hazards - the top priority, the company do a good job within the investigation file, strengthen the implementation of major risk control measures to prevent major hazards have significant risks. To prevent major accidents, to strengthen the monitoring and monitoring of the tank area.

D, the company to implement the main responsibility within the company: to safety production standardization as a catalyst to promote the implementation of the main carrier of the effective carrier, the implementation of factors, corporate security.

E, the use of information to speed up the construction of a sound safety supervision and information system, with the Ministry of Industry and information, to achieve dangerous chemicals business information, major hazard hazard reporting, accident statistics and other functions.

(4) On the contents of the above meeting, the safety supervision bureau and feedback the spirit of the meeting, this year a major dangerous source requirements are very high, the recent opening of the G20 summit in Hangzhou, safety supervision and supervision of the intensity of the increase is also strengthened, Two years of foundation, such as spot checks of enterprises have hidden trouble, to immediately make a punishment.

(5) my company on major hazard reports within the rectification measures and recommendations, should be reviewed every year. To ensure that has been rectification, no hidden dangers.

Second, the general manager (Ni Yanyi) words

      (1) on the first half of this year's security work deployment: need to be implemented in place the following points:

       A, on the major hazards of dangerous account to establish a complete, the departments need to cooperate with the requirements of the designated department of fire safety and departmental health care workers. For emergency risks should be reported immediately, on-site disposal should be timely, rectification progress faster.

       B, on the major hazards of the measures and recommendations need to be implemented by the end of March before the need to rectification of the matter to check, to confirm the rectification, on the major hazard storage tank can be removed, reduce the amount of ammonia, The amount of ammonia reduced to 10 tons or less, such as to 10 tons below, will no longer be a major hazard enterprises, the departments may consider the rectification measures. How to revoke major hazards and specific implementation of the program, please responsible for the department to ask and develop the program.

       C, in March this year, the company will arrange for employees to participate in fire safety and health care and rescue education and training.

       D, the factory vehicle access and plant vehicles driving, to pay attention to vehicle safety accidents, the department used vehicle loading and unloading, parking and more communication with the driver, more safe driving education. All departments of the car must be done before the car after the inspection.

       E, quality control department to supervise food testing work. Go to the workshop to move around, there will be more concerned about the hidden problems on food. For example; the workshop is too heavy moisture, causing the breeding of bacteria and other issues, as a quality control person in charge, to a higher awareness of food safety hazards.

    Ni Yongyi last words: whether it is a major hazard source or food safety problems, are the company's internal security issues. As every employee of the company, we must have a clear and conscious understanding of the serious consequences of security risks. As a department manager, security issues must be grasped, to layers of implementation, layers of grasping. Only to eliminate hidden dangers, in order to grasp the safety of production, the company's benefits will be layers of high. Clearly understand that everyone is the greatest happiness happiness!

Add:6 Zhejiang city of Zhoushan province Putuo District Zhan Mao Street Toshima Industrial Park area A
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