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Zhuo Mao Street 2016 comprehensive management, petition and safety production (fire) work conference

People's Congress Work Committee Director (Chen Chunyan): Zhan Mao Street 2016 comprehensive management, petition safety production (fire) work conference
First, the People's Congress Work Committee (Chen Chunyan) words
Chen Chunyan presided over the meeting agenda. There are three main contents of the meeting: one is on the comprehensive management of advanced collective and advanced individual decision, and second, in recognition of the 2015 street safety production advanced collective and advanced personal decision. Third, in recognition of the safety of production units advanced collective, awarded medals. Fourth, by the party secretary of Zhuge Ming sea on the two major work content stressed this year's work matters.
Second, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee (Wang Haigang) words
In 2015, Zhan Mao Street social management comprehensive intellectual work adhere to the party's eighteen, four, five plenary session and general secretary of Xi Jinping series of speech to know the spirit, in accordance with the District, the district government " When the red in front of the "total requirements. Deepen the social governance innovation, and constantly strengthen the grass-roots level, effectively safeguard the social harmony and stability, peace and development work to achieve significant results. Period, the emergence of a number of comprehensive management of social management, maintenance and stability of advanced collective and advanced individuals. The party committee of the study, decided to two comprehensive management of the collective and 18 advanced individuals to be informed in recognition.
Third, the Office of Deputy Director (Leping Ping Jun) words
2015. Under the correct leadership of the street party work committee and office, we will focus on the theme of "strengthening the security of the rule of law and guarantee the safe production", thoroughly study and implement the important speech spirit of the General Secretary, promote the construction of the responsibility system for safety production, and do all kinds of special rectification Activities, deepen the investigation and management of the hidden dangers of accidents, the successful completion of the district government issued a safety production objectives assessment task, to achieve zero safety growth of the three indicators, the area of ​​safe production situation further stable and improved. During the period, a number of advanced units and advanced individuals with remarkable achievements in safety production were studied. The five advanced production units such as Zhoushan Rongzhou Marine Food Co., Ltd. and Zhong Biqiong were appraised by nine advanced safety work individuals.
Fourth, the People's Congress Work Committee (Chen Chunyan) words
Is now led by the streets of the leadership of advanced enterprises advanced units advanced collective medals.
Fifth, the party secretary (Zhuge Minghai) words:
1, on the 2015 comprehensive management work and safety production work summary and 2016 work arrangements, set goals.
2,2015 Summary of work: 2015 results are remarkable. Adjust the contradictions and disputes more than 200 pieces. 100 letters and visits received. Squid market to complete the first provincial and municipal fire safety rectification. National safety production month, creating a good security atmosphere.
3, 2016 work objectives: 2015 results turned over zero. Cover the short board with grade. Keep a clear mind at all times. Integration of work resources, innovative work philosophy. All three-dimensional security work to do a good job. Striving for peace tripod.
4, to further strengthen the legal system. Public participation, expert review, combined with grid visits, strengthen the rule of law publicity and education. Focus on the points system. The department departments for the floating population to strengthen the protection of rights and interests. And gradually form a targeted management approach. Control group events. Master the petition work initiative. Illegal leapfrog petition, for repeated petitioners to discourage and then petition, the law provides that the sentence is sentenced. This year's G20 Summit World Conference. In order to avoid the destruction of the incident, we have to find early to find early, strengthen the community within the scope of management stability awareness. Prevent the streets from becoming a hidden point for hidden terrorists. To prevent rumors of malicious spread and other events. Focus on combating crime and crime, improve the regulatory capacity.
5, this year the streets of fire accidents. Safety production and fire prevention is weak, we have to create a standardized operation as an opportunity. Ensure the security situation, and correctly grasp the relationship between administrative law enforcement. Grasp the construction of a good line. Effectively enhance the level of grassroots security, supervise production units. Self-reported self-reported safety system construction, regularly carry out industry sector security investigation. A check in the end, to seize the results. Strengthen management, increase emergency rescue capabilities, in-depth enterprises to carry out emergency rescue work. Improve emergency response capacity. For the security risks accident mess information leading to large events occurred to be sentenced. Promote safe production emergency hedge, strengthen security and self-help ability. Full safety training and education work to strengthen, enhance the sense of responsibility, strengthen leadership responsibility, earnestly carry out the maintenance of the first responsibility.
6, Summary: enterprises and institutions should be responsible for the stability of the work of the leading soldiers, I am the first responsible for the safety of street safety. Improve the assessment system. Strengthen accountability. Other departments concerned to grasp the relevant departments, can not prevaricate with each other, the unity of ideology. Grasp the correct guidance of public opinion, to further strengthen the ideological and political construction, comprehensive management of petition, safe fire work must have a high sense of responsibility. For the beautiful construction of Mao Mao to make a force.

Add:6 Zhejiang city of Zhoushan province Putuo District Zhan Mao Street Toshima Industrial Park area A
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