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Safety production self-inspection work and safety production team members, emergency member adjustment and division of responsibilities

First, deputy general manager (Wang Guoqiang) words: a recent Putuo a liquid ammonia explosion occurred. Yesterday, the general manager of the business trip, call the comprehensive office, the company responsible for the organization of various departments held a safety meeting, through this major accident, the company responsible person to further strengthen the company's production safety management, improve the safety management system. On whether the actual security work in place, whether there are hidden dangers. Greek departments pay more attention to the implementation of the place. To avoid major accidents. Today, I presided over the security meeting, the main content of the following points.
1, because of this year's leadership team made some adjustments, so the safety team and emergency personnel also made adjustments, and so on by the integrated small bell read the contents of the document. Let us know in advance about the responsibilities of various departments. This document should be issued by the general manager of the official notice can be sent to the various departments.
2, the various departments on the production of security issues have shown.
3, on-site inspection of major hazards (ammonia plant) all the equipment and facilities, such as the existence of hidden dangers.
Second, the integrated office director (Zhong Biqiong) words:
1, the company decided to study, I adjusted the safety of production leading group and the company full-time security staff, and the division of the members of the division, a clear responsibility. For everyone to read the contents of the document.
2, in order to better deal with emergency prevention and rescue work, starting from the company's actual, adjusted the contingency plan leading group members. And clear responsibilities. Also for everyone to read the specific content.
3, on the safe work, the current safety supervision bureau of enterprise security accounting and on-site safety management to implement the situation, higher requirements, more stringent management. WeChat, QQ group were asked to join the District Safety Production Management Association, was also asked to join the district hazardous chemicals production, storage micro-signal. Safe work is becoming more and more important. About this year the company striving for safety and advanced collective, has been set to monitor the security station to the city of safety supervision (Anke Center), asked the company to create three levels of safety standardization. On the three-level safety production standardization, and has been associated with the District Safety Production Association, striving for two forms, one is paid, about 8,000 yuan, will help the company security staff to develop a set of safety standards. The expert review, this form is easy to create a smooth passage of work. Second, the company's security management personnel in accordance with the requirements of standardized assessment, their preparation, and then invited experts to review. This work also need to discuss the leaders of various departments, how to decide.
Third, the director (Feng Wu) words:
About the underground below the basement of all the mosquitoes, the current weather has not yet to the summer, mosquitoes and other bees have begun to breed. There are many insects in the workshop entrance channel. So the development of food hygiene is certainly a big risk. Please attention to the leadership of various departments, how to rectification.
Fourth, deputy general manager (Chen Chenglong) words:
1, workshop repair group leader Fang Songkang finishing factory plant around the dangerous equipment and facilities, moved to a safe place to store.
2, on the ammonia machine director Li Ruoneng, has been appointed as the company full-time security officer. Mainly responsible for the safety of ammonia engine room work, as the current ammonia room staff on duty arrangements are not appropriate. Should be during the day and night to take turns on duty arrangements, and duty officers have to be in the ammonia room, such as staff arrangements on the issue, the company can propose, whether to change the management mechanism.
Fifth, the ammonia machine (Li Ruoneng) words:
       On the management of the ammonia machine, I have been in the form of contract system, such as the company's leadership feel the safety management problems, and security management is not in place, I am willing to cooperate with the company in the management to make some adjustments.
       Sixth, deputy general manager (Wang Guoqiang) words:
        1, on the increase in the workload of Comrade Li Ruyi, and ammonia room management problems, we also consider two options: First, in its responsible departments to increase the staff, is bound to increase the contract fee, so on the duty can be reasonable arrangements. Second, change the management mechanism, the company responsible for the ammonia machine workshop, Lee can hire for the ammonia machine in charge, ammonia machine workshop other management company another hire. Two programs need to general manager of the company to set the total.
       2, on the various departments of the security aspects of the problem, the Greek sector proposed rectification opinions handed over Matsumoto, and then by the general manager of the audit decision.
       3, today's various departments of the company on-site inspection of the ammonia room, on the above Ru Ruoni work arrangements and departmental management, there are some problems, hope that leadership attention. On the equipment and facilities testing, is currently in good condition. Significant hazard equipment and equipment to be detected regularly. Please ammonia machine sector in advance to do a good job of security deployment.
4, on the plant site on the flower bed on some of the accessories like debris Mangkang clear, both the requirements of security risks, but also food hygiene requirements.
Wang Guoqiang finally said: in carrying out security work at the same time, we should further improve the various types of security problems. To fully understand and better implement the safety work should be undertaken to improve the level of production safety, Greek departments to mobilize quickly, layers of implementation.

Add:6 Zhejiang city of Zhoushan province Putuo District Zhan Mao Street Toshima Industrial Park area A
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