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Holiday safety check and monthly meeting

Group leader of the company to carry out holiday boat safety inspections, and held a monthly meeting of the wing boat.
First, deputy general manager (Wang Guoqiang): on the leadership of the group's inspection of the subsidiary production safety, the group leader for the safety of workers
Pay attention to and strictly enforce and implement the policy of safety production. Today, we organize the inspection of all departments in the factory. Points out the main points:
1, fire blocking the road, the Greek company safety management departments to attract attention, which is the most concerned about the fire department has repeatedly raised a
Big problem.
2, safety supervision concerning equipment in machine room ammonia ammonia workshop placed at random, do not meet the requirements, the need for timely rectification.
3, on the tuna cage stacking and other issues, the various departments can consider it, whether it is safe to take care of.
4, ammonia workshop responsible person on the existing problems can make comments.
Two, ammonia Workshop Supervisor (Li Runeng):
1, on duty machine: the problem of ammonia ammonia machine shop although I contracted, but the ammonia machine operators recruitment difficulties, their income can only apply for some people with relatively low expenditure of apprenticeship, to hire a pressure vessel operation certificate of operating personnel, in my income cannot hire such persons, please consider leadership he was hired by the company employed, rather than contract nature, contract responsibility, and the safety management of the personnel shortage due to loopholes, please give leadership approval.
2, on the flat Tairong ocean fishery company plant processing base of eye-catching plate, for a long time without maintenance, now have been behind the plate corrosion. Easily lead to wind and other factors fall, need to pay attention to, if necessary, the need for regular maintenance every year.
Three, group president assistant (Lin Guoding):
1, today on the factory inspection, found a serious waste dumps in the space between the workshop and ammonia machine. Need to carry out a large area of finishing, poor air circulation, on the stack of plastic tape, wood and other items easily lead to spontaneous combustion, the Greek attention.
2, the ammonia machine shop staff to do a good job every day ammonia machine turns on duty, and do duty record.
3, on the above amino responsible person proposed whether management form change, will be able to small total Ni counsel once again, and how to arrange the duty system, personnel recruiting or contract shall be decided by the general manager.
Four, the director of the office of the group (Wang Meng): on the company employee loading and unloading safety agreement is signed with the loading and unloading personnel, for this safety work can not be ignored, the group leaders attach great importance to.
Five, integrated office (Zhong Biqiong):
1, about the staff to be equipped with personal protective equipment, safety work is usually accumulated by their security awareness, the existing work not wearing helmets, not wearing electrical insulating gloves and insulating shoes and other phenomena, and the leaders pay attention to.
Summary: the safety inspection meeting is safety guarantee before the holiday to the company and the employee, and security departments on the mentioned all the rectification, the discretion of the problem must also pay attention to safety, fill the short board, for the peace development.

Add:6 Zhejiang city of Zhoushan province Putuo District Zhan Mao Street Toshima Industrial Park area A
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