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Monthly Safety Conference (Major Hazard Safety Management Conference)
Monthly security regular meeting.
First, the general manager (Ni Yanyi): August 4, 2016, the safety supervision bureau held a major hazard of major dangerous goods special rectification inspection meeting, the company appointed Zhong Biqiong as the representative, to participate in the meeting, please security director Zhong Biqiong We talk about the recent work on security work and rectification:
Second, the Integrated Management Department Security Office (Zhong Biqiong): on the major hazard conference held, I need to do the following work:
1, hazardous chemicals major hazard record, A, the main record of major hazard levels and the record situation. Company set up time and area. The total floor plan, whether the process has a qualified unit design. The name of the hazardous chemicals involved, and so on. B, on the basic situation of ammonia tank to register some: ammonia tank area name, area, into the major hazard identification name, key devices, key parts of the responsible person, but also a closer understanding of hazardous chemicals storage and storage types, our company storage Situation: the horizontal ammonia irrigation, the volume of 4.8M3, liquid state, design pressure and the actual pressure are 2.2Mpa, the design and the actual temperature is 23 ℃. Put into time in 2005. The total weight of the substance is 19.2 tons.
2, on the special rectification of dangerous chemicals work, the company internal self-examination, the main inspection content of 30 points. The company's safety production team has recently been working. On the need for rectification are implemented one by one. One of the problems that has not been rectified at this time is that the major hazard sources are closely related to the major hazard sources and the ammonia room. Need to follow the requirements of the security sector to rectification, the project costly. In the case of failure to meet the standard need to take other measures, one way: the installation of anti-riot wall and other more feasible measures.
3, because the security work is now more and more attention. Security sector supervision is also growing, the production sector will do a good job of safe work. Ammonia room in addition to the daily rotation on duty system, but also to do account records, on the major risk of the record of the record, you must store a to the ammonia room. Read at any time, the relevant departments to check at any time to view. Dangerous equipment in the ammonia room to erect the responsibility card. On some monitoring facilities, spray facilities, anti-riot facilities, emergency cut button, etc. should be intact, can be used normally, to be intermittent regular inspection.
Third, the integrated management assistant minister (Fang Songkang): 1, on the ammonia room of the daily inspection and equipment and facilities inspection have all been inspections, damage has been changed.
2, the recent ammonia room equipment, all the appearance of the equipment has been responsible for the maintenance of Li Ruo.
3, on other special equipment (forklifts), etc. have been done overhaul. Waiting for special equipment personnel to detect.
Fourth, general manager (Ni Yanyi):
       Summary: On the monthly meeting in August held on schedule, hope that the major hazards and G20 summit in the grim situation, the departments must be responsible for the work of the Department of security. In the management of hidden dangers need to be strengthened. Safety production team take the lead role, Greek departments to help each other. To ensure that the company no major accidents throughout the year, requiring a rectification rate of 100%.
Add:6 Zhejiang city of Zhoushan province Putuo District Zhan Mao Street Toshima Industrial Park area A
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